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Manage Products

In this document, you’ll learn how to create new products, edit different fields and areas in a product, and more.

Create a Product

To create a new product:

  1. Go to the Products page.
  2. Click on the New Product button at the top right.

This opens a new form with different sections. The only field required is the Title field in the General Information Section.

General Information Section

  1. Enter the required field Title.
  2. If you don’t provide a value for the Handle field, it will be generated from the title.
  3. If you don’t want discounts to be applied to this product, toggle the Discountable field off.
  4. Optionally enter the rest of the general information fields.

Organize Section


If you don't see a categories field, it's because this feature is currently in beta and must be manually enabled by your technical team.

All fields in this section allow you to better group and filter your products using types, collections, and tags.

  1. You can either choose from a list of types or create a new one.
  2. You can choose from a list of collections.
  3. You can choose one or more categories. If you don't have any categories, you can learn how to create them in the Manage Categories documentation. If you want to choose a nested category, you can click on a parent category which will show the categories nested inside it.
  4. Tags are comma-separated. After entering a tag’s value, add a comma “,” and it will create the tag. You can remove the tag by pressing the X icon next to it.

Variants Section

In this section, you can create different options and variants of a product. You must add an option before you can add variants.

  1. Add a new option by clicking the “Add an option” button.
    1. This shows two new fields: the Title and the Variations fields. Separate the variations using a comma “,”. You can remove a variation by clicking the X icon next to it.
    2. To remove an option, click on the trash icon next to it.
  2. Add a new variant by clicking the “Add a variant” button. In the new window that opens:
    1. Enter the required fields Custom title and choose a value for each option you created.
    2. In the Stock & Inventory section, you can manage how Medusa handles the product’s inventory, the quantity in stock, and more.
      1. If Manage Inventory is enabled, Medusa will change the available quantity of the variant when orders or returns are made.
      2. If Allow Backorders is enabled, customers can purchase this variant even if it’s out-of-stock.
    3. In the Shipping section, you can specify information relevant to shipping such as Height, Weight, Country of origin, and more.
  3. You can edit a variant by clicking the three dots icon, then choosing Edit from the dropdown.
  4. You can delete a variant by clicking the three dots icon, then choosing Delete from the dropdown.

You can add prices for the variants after the product has been created using the bulk editor.

Attributes Section

This section includes optional fields that are used for shipping and customs.

Thumbnail Section


You can upload only one thumbnail. Uploading another thumbnail replaces the previous one.

  1. To upload a thumbnail either:
    1. Click the dashed box and choose an image;
    2. Or drag-and-drop an image in the dashed box.
  2. To delete a thumbnail:
    1. Click on the three dots icon.
    2. Click Delete from the dropdown.

Media Section


You can upload more than one image in the Media section.

  1. To upload an image either:
    1. Click the dashed box and choose an image;
    2. Or drag-and-drop an image in the dashed box.
  2. To delete an image:
    1. Click on the three dots icon.
    2. Click Delete from the dropdown.

Save the Product

To save the product you can either:

  1. Click the “Save as draft” button to save the product without publishing it.
  2. Click the “Publish product” button to save the product and publish it.

View Product Details

To view a product’s details:

  1. Go to the Products page.
  2. Click on the product you want to view.

Edit a Product’s General Information

To edit a product’s general information:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the three dots at the top right of the first section.
  3. Click on “Edit General Information” from the dropdown.
  4. Edit any of the information in the window.
  5. Once done, click on the Save button.

Change a Product’s Status

A product’s status can either be Draft or Published.

To change a product’s status:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the status at the top right of the first section. For example, if the current status of the product is Draft, you should see Draft written at the top right of the first section.
  3. Click on the status in the dropdown to change the status.

Manage Product Options


After a product is created, the only way to add values to an option is when you add or edit a variant. Adding a new option automatically creates the value “Default Value”. An option’s value is deleted if no variant is using it.

To manage a product’s option:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon in the top right of the Variants section.
  3. Click on Edit Options from the dropdown.
  4. In the new window that opens:
    1. You can add a new option by clicking the “Add an option” button.
    2. You can edit an option’s name by changing its name in the field.
    3. You can delete an option by clicking the trash icon.
  5. Once you’re done, click on the "Save and close" button.

Manage Product Variants

Add a Variant


Please note the following:

  • Multiple variants can’t have the same options combination.
  • The steps regarding managing the inventory of a product variant requires the Inventory and Stock Location modules to be installed. You can refer to the Multi-Warehouse user guide for more details about that.

To add a variant to a product:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon in the top right of the Variants section.
  3. Click on Add Variant from the dropdown.
  4. In the window that opens:
    1. Enter the required title field.
    2. Choose a value for each option in the product.
    3. In the Stock & Inventory section, you can manage how Medusa handles the product’s inventory, the quantity in Stock, and more.
      1. If you disable the Manage Inventory field, Medusa will assume the product is always in stock.
      2. If you enable the Manage Inventory field:
        1. Under the Quantity section, click on the "Manage locations" button.
        2. Enable the locations a product is enabled in.
        3. Click on the "Save and go back" button.
        4. For each location you added, enter the quantity available in stock.
      3. If Allow Backorders is enabled, customers can purchase this variant even if it’s out-of-stock. You can only enable "Allow Backorders" if "Manage Inventory" is enabled.
    4. In the Shipping section, you can specify information relevant to shipping such as Height, Weight, Country of origin, and more.
  5. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and close” button.

Edit Variants Position

To edit variants’ position in a product:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon in the top right of the Variants section.
  3. Click on Edit Variants from the dropdown.
  4. In the window that opens:
    1. Click and hold the grip icon next to the variant, then drag it to the position you want.
    2. You can also change the inventory of the variants.
  5. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and close” button.

Edit a Variant

To edit a variant:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Find the variant you want to edit in the Variants section.
  3. Click on the three dots icon.
  4. Click on Edit Variant from the dropdown.
  5. In the new window that opens, you can edit all of the variant’s information.
  6. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and close” button.

Duplicate a Variant

To duplicate a variant:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Find the variant you want to duplicate in the Variants section.
  3. Click on the three dots icon.
  4. Click on Duplicate Variant from the dropdown.
  5. This opens a new window with almost all fields filled except for the selected Options.
  6. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and close” button.

Delete a Variant


Deleting a variant can’t be undone.

To delete a variant:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Find the variant you want to duplicate in the Variants section.
  3. Click on the three dots icon.
  4. Click on Delete Variant from the dropdown.

Edit Product Prices

The prices bulk editor allows you to edit the prices of a product's variants using a spreadsheet interface.

To open the prices bulk editor:

  1. Go to the product's details page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon at the top right of the Variants section.
  3. Click on Edit Prices from the dropdown.

This opens the prices bulk editor in a pop-up. You can refer to the Bulk Editor user guide to learn tips about how to use the bulk editor.

Once you're done making changes, you can save your changes by clicking the "Save and close" button. Then, in the pop-up that opens:

  • If you made edits to a value in a currency or region that is now hidden, you'll be shown the option to save all changes or just save the changes made in the currently visible currencies and regions. Choose one of the options then click the "Save changes" button.
  • Otherwise, you can directly click the "Save changes" button.

To discard the changes you made:

  1. Either press esc or click the X icon at the top left.
  2. Confirm discarding the changes by clicking the “Yes, close” button in the pop-up.

Edit a Product’s Attributes

To edit a product’s attributes:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon in the top right of the Attributes section.
  3. Click on Edit Attributes from the dropdown.
  4. In the new window that opens, you can edit any of the attribute information of the product.
  5. Once you’re done, click on the Save button.

Manage Thumbnails

Set Thumbnail


You can have only one thumbnail. If you add another, it replaces the existing one.

To manage the thumbnail of a product:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. In the Thumbnail section, click on either the Edit or Upload buttons depending on whether you already have a thumbnail for the product or not.
  3. In the new window, to upload the thumbnail you can either:
    1. Click the dashed box and choose an image;
    2. Or drag-and-drop an image in the dashed box.
  4. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and close” button.

Delete Thumbnail


Deleting a thumbnail can’t be undone.

To delete a thumbnail:

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the trash icon at the top right of the Thumbnail section.
  3. Click the Confirm button.

Manage Images


You can upload more than one image for the product.

To manage a product’s images

  1. Go to the product’s details page.
  2. Click on the Edit Media button in the Media section.
  3. In the new window that opens:
    1. To upload a new image you can either:
      1. Click the dashed box and choose an image;
      2. Or drag-and-drop an image in the dashed box.
    2. To delete an image:
      1. Click on the three dots icon.
      2. Click on Delete from the dropdown.
  4. Once you’re done, click Save and close.

Duplicate a Product

To duplicate a product:

  1. Go to the Products page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon next to the product you want to duplicate.
  3. Click on Duplicate from the dropdown.

This creates a product with the same information as the original but as a draft.

Delete a Product


Deleting a product can’t be undone. You’ll lose all the product information.

To delete a product:

  1. Go to the Products page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon next to the product you want to delete.
  3. Click on Delete from the dropdown.
  4. Confirm deleting the product by clicking the “Yes, confirm” button in the pop-up.
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