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Manage Categories

In this document, you’ll learn how to create a category, edit existing categories, delete a category, and more.


Product Categories are available as a beta feature and must be enabled first. If you want to use them, ask your technical team to enable them first.

Create a Category

To create a product category:

  1. Go to the Categories Page.
  2. Click on the “Add category” button at the top right.
  3. In the form that opens:
    1. Enter the name of the category. This is the only required field.
    2. You can enter a handle if you don’t want to use a default handle. A handle is generally used to format the URL shown on your storefront. The default handle will lower-case the category name, and replace spaces with a dash (-). For example, if you name the category “Men Clothing” the handle will be men-clothing.
    3. You can change the Status to “Inactive” if you’re creating the category, but you’re still not ready to use it.
    4. You can change the Visibility to “Private” if you’re creating an internal category that shouldn’t be shown to the customer.
  4. Once you’re done, click the “Save category” button.

Edit a Category

To edit a product category:

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon at the right of the category you want to edit.
  3. Choose Edit from the dropdown.
  4. In the form that opens, you can edit any of the fields of the category.
  5. Once you’re done, click the “Save and close” button.

Add a Nested Category

To add a new category that should be nested inside another category:

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Click on the plus icon at the right of the category you’re adding the new category inside.
  3. In the form that opens, enter the details as described in the Create a Category section.
  4. Once you’re done, click on the “Save category” button.

Organize Categories

To organize categories and adjust their hierarchy:

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Click and hold the grip icon next to the category you want to move. Keep holding the icon until step four.
  3. Move the category to the new destination. You can make it a parent category to another category, nest it inside another category, or move it to the top hierarchy.
  4. Once you move it to the new destination, release the grip icon.

Delete a Category


Deleting a category can’t be undone, and its data can’t be restored.

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Click on the three dots icon at the right of the category.
  3. Choose Delete from the dropdown.
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